Organized by , this is a talk from their recent Dynamic Scaling meetup at Yahoo! URL’s cafe. In this talk, , Head of Tech Ops at Pinterest, covers how they Dynamically Scale at Pinterest.

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This talk is the third of four from the Dynamic Scaling meetup organized by .

(from Meetup)
Despite all the buzz about it, building a horizontally scalable application for cloud deployment isn’t all that different from building one for a physical deployment, except in its ability to change size on-the-fly. Bigger applications have been using commodity hardware and fault-tolerant design to achieve high availability and scalability for a while, but provisioning capacity remains troublesome there. The real addition the cloud brings architecturally is the ability to add new resources instantly, and even change your provisioning profile algorithmically.

The talk is from , founder of Scalr, and it’s called “Setting Up Automated Scaling.”

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Let us preface this by apologizing for poor recording quality! We had a technical issue that caused clipping on the audio. :(
We will get a transcript up soon to save your ears.

Despite that, we’ve got a recording from the Hadoop meetup last night in AppNexus. , Chief Application Architect at MapR Technologies, will talk about recent developments in Mahout and real-time learning.

In particular, Ted covers the results from quality and speed testing of Mahout’s new super-fast k-means clustering algorithms (hint, quality is very good and speed is phenomenal). He also dives deep into a design for a on-line clustering facility that can cluster the full content of the Twitter fire-hose into thousands of clusters in real-time.

Full transcript of this talk can be found here

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Organized by the , this is the second installment from their Dynamic Scaling meetup last week at Yahoo! URL’s cafe.

This time around, , Senior Director of Product Management at Citrix NetScaler, gives a talk on “Shock Absorbers and APIs.”

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Organized by , this is the first talk from their Dynamic Scaling meetup last week at Yahoo! URL’s cafe. The talk is from , Manager of Cloud Performance at Netflix. It’s called “Dynamically Scaling Netflix in the Cloud.”

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Today we have a talk from a recent SF MongoDB user group meetup by MongoDB expert Greg Brockman. Greg has been leading development at Stripe where they use MongoDB to power their event processing system.

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We attended a huge g33k gathering in San Jose not long ago – the TechXploration meetup where we were lucky enough to record an exciting talk by web performance guru . Steve was accompanied by (Javascript wizard) Douglas Crockford for a talk called “Your Script Just Killed My Site” about the prevalence of front-end SPOF (that’s “single point of failure”) along with key tips as to how to make your front-end code more resilient.

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Today we have slides for  talk from the GraphConnect conference on Rich Web Data Modeling with Graphs, where we’ll look at a number of proven patterns for effectively modeling and retrieving your data using neo4j.

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