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Why I like Go

Simple, terse and to-the-point. 16 reasons this hacker likes Google’s Go. 5 mins

14 Ways to Contribute to Open Source without Being a Programming Genius or a Rock Star

Here’s a list of ways to get involved in open source even if you lack confidence in your technical chops. 10 mins


The Data Science Toolkit is a collection of the best open data sets and open-source tools for data science, wrapped in an easy-to-use REST/JSON API with command line, Python and Javascript interfaces. Available as a self-contained Vagrant VM or EC2 AMI that you can deploy yourself. Very cool. 5 mins

How accurate is Android GPS?

An analysis of the Android SDK’s android.location package and how you can best take advantage of it to build a great end-user experience.
15 mins

Complete video-course with 38 lectures on YouTube covering algorithms and data structures all the way from the basics through to O notation, sorting algorithms, hash tables and more.  Video-course.

Building Twitter Bootstrap

Insight on why/how Twitter Bootstrap was architected. From the authors comes the processes used to create it and their thoughts on how it has grown as a design system. 15 mins

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