g33ktalk Weekly

This content is part of our weekly newsletter that features the best articles, videos and audio for software engineers from across the web. Want to receive it every week? Subscribe here.



Why I like Go

Simple, terse and to-the-point. 16 reasons this hacker likes Google’s Go. 5 mins

14 Ways to Contribute to Open Source without Being a Programming Genius or a Rock Star

Here’s a list of ways to get involved in open source even if you lack confidence in your technical chops. 10 mins


The Data Science Toolkit is a collection of the best open data sets and open-source tools for data science, wrapped in an easy-to-use REST/JSON API with command line, Python and Javascript interfaces. Available as a self-contained Vagrant VM or EC2 AMI that you can deploy yourself. Very cool. 5 mins

How accurate is Android GPS?

An analysis of the Android SDK’s android.location package and how you can best take advantage of it to build a great end-user experience.
15 mins

Complete video-course with 38 lectures on YouTube covering algorithms and data structures all the way from the basics through to O notation, sorting algorithms, hash tables and more.  Video-course.

Building Twitter Bootstrap

Insight on why/how Twitter Bootstrap was architected. From the authors comes the processes used to create it and their thoughts on how it has grown as a design system. 15 mins

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g33ktalk Weekly

This content is part of our weekly newsletter that features the best articles, videos and audio for software engineers from across the web. Want to receive it every week? Subscribe here.


From UC Berkley’s School of Information, this complete video course will teach you to master big data analysis using examples from Twitter. Video playlist.

A Python library for rapid machine learning prototyping, Ramp acts as a wrapper around several ML and stats libraries like scikit-learn and rpy2. This article works through the ‘Detecting Insults in Social Commentary’ challenge from Kaggle as an example. 15 mins

graph-tool is a super-efficient python module for manipulation and analysis of networks. The core data structures and algorithms are implemented in C++, conferring high performance when using large data sets. 5 mins

Keeping Passwords in Source control

Here’s some slick advice that shows you how to store your passwords and other config info in your repo securely. Protect yourself from this: https://github.com/search?p=3&q=gmail_password&ref=searchresults&type=Code
10 mins

On Rails’ SQLi Vulnerability

Complete explanation of how exactly the Rails vulnerability works, including exploitable scenarios and mitigation tips. 15 mins.

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g33ktalk Weekly

This content is part of our weekly newsletter that features the best articles, videos and audio for software engineers from across the web. Want to receive it every week? Subscribe here.


A List of Data Science and Machine Learning Resources 15 mins

Recently, we’ve been going big on big data tech around here and this article turned up in some of our research. In his talk yesterday at USV, Mike Abbott (former VP Eng at Twitter) commented on his justification for ‘big data’ enablement: “It’s now more cost effective to do machine learning on larger sets of data than ever before.” Who can disagree?.

Surprises when Designing an iPhone App 10 mins

SeatGeek launched their new iPhone last week, and we must say – it’s a real beauty! gives us a run down on what a web-developer should take into consideration when switching to mobile app design..

15 mins

Find out how to make your code more intuitive and easier to understand with Python’s built-in functions that enable elegant ways of manipulating data.

Styling Android: Multiple displays . 10 mins

Mark Allison continues his series writing about multiple screen support in 4.2, this time showing the tools that help in development, as well as further expanding his previous examples.

How do we read code? 5 mins

Discusses an interesting experiment (using eye tracking) designed to measure which features in programming systems help programmers understand what they are doing and how this learning can be used to make systems that lead to higher quality software..

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