In this talk, , from The New York Times gives his talk, “Learning from Javascript Libraries.” He discusses interesting patterns that popular libraries like jQuery, Backbone, Angular, and more use to solve problems. This talk was recorded at the New York HTML5 Application Developers Group meetup at  Condé Nast.

jQuery runs on approximately 50% of all websites and is the de facto standard for DOM manipulation. Most front end developers use it, but how well do they understand what’s happening when they use the API? How does a library take on the problems it solves? What are the reasons behind some of the techniques it uses? Observing the code under the hood of a library/framework is a fantastic way to become a better developer and thereby user of that library/framework. Better understanding of design patterns in some of the most popular libraries can open opportunities to contribute and be a better open source citizen.




Learn more about RaptorJS, Ebay’s open-source JavaScript toolkit for building adaptive modules and UI components. RaptorJS is lightweight, designed for scale and supports cool features like module sharing.

Advantages of Raptor.js

The Raptor toolkit is made to simplify your JavaScript and help you maintain modular design within your JavaScript code. The eBay designers also realized that modern projects need to perform in very high scale environments and is designed to support tremendous scale.

The toolkit is also very lightweight and portable. And the best thing about it is that eBay is providing engineering support for Raptor.js which means that you can rely on it to keep getting better and bugs being fixed.

Stay in touch to learn more about Raptor.

We are tracking the evolution of Raptor very closely (no pun intended). We feature some of the best open source content in our newsletter. So if you would like to stay up to date on Raptor.js and other open source projects, subscribe to our newsletter on our engineering newsletter page.


This talk is by , Veteran Software Engineer at Google and is part of the Airbnb tech talks.

Steve will cover a variety of tools, both old and new, to measure, analyze and fix the performance of popular websites.




PlaceIQ is a rapidly growing, venture funded “Big Data” business with a tremendous opportunity to become the market leader in the exploding location intelligence marketplace. Starting with an extensive library of unstructured/unrelated geospatial, temporal and social data, PlaceIQ transforms information into time and location context. Revolutionary techniques in data mining and machine learning at scale are being developed on a daily basis to uncover the reality of the world like no other company can.

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We attended a huge g33k gathering in San Jose not long ago – the TechXploration meetup where we were lucky enough to record an exciting talk by web performance guru . Steve was accompanied by (Javascript wizard) Douglas Crockford for a talk called “Your Script Just Killed My Site” about the prevalence of front-end SPOF (that’s “single point of failure”) along with key tips as to how to make your front-end code more resilient.

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