neo4j and node

Connected data abounds today. Modern web services connect people, products, photos, locations, ideas, creations and more. New tools have emerged that are optimized for this connectedness and graph databases are one such tool. Instead of working with tables and rows, you work with nodes and edges — storing data exactly as you would draw it on a whiteboard.

In this talk from the nodejs meetup in NYC, Aseem Kishore will share an introduction to Neo4j, the most popular graph database, along with his experiences and lessons learned building a startup on top of it. Aseem is the co-author and maintainer of node-neo4j, the Node.js client library for Neo4j, so he’ll also walk through the basics of using Neo4j with Node.js.

Aseem’s slides from the talk are here.



Today we have slides for  talk from the GraphConnect conference on Rich Web Data Modeling with Graphs, where we’ll look at a number of proven patterns for effectively modeling and retrieving your data using neo4j.

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