This talk is by , Veteran Software Engineer at Google and is part of the Airbnb tech talks.

Steve will cover a variety of tools, both old and new, to measure, analyze and fix the performance of popular websites.




Full audio & slides for this talk posted here.

Doug:  Greetings programmers.  Welcome to Tech Exploration.  I’m Doug Crockford.  In a moment I’m going to introduce my friend Steve Souders.  Steve began looking at problems of performance of websites while he was at Yahoo.  A lot of people had looked at that problem before and would usually do things like fiddle with a database or fiddle with the servers and try to figure out why they weren’t going faster.  Steve looked at the whole web as a system.  Everything from the server end to the browser and discovered that the browser doesn’t work anywhere near as well as we thought it would or should and found lots of work-arounds for that, which substantially speeded up webs.  He wrote a number of articles about that and then published a couple of best-selling books on High Performance Websites and Even Faster Amazon or Even Faster Websites.  They have earned the rank of 48,000 and 66,000 in Amazon, which is pretty great.  So here he is, the fastest man in the world, Steve Souders.

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We attended a huge g33k gathering in San Jose not long ago – the TechXploration meetup where we were lucky enough to record an exciting talk by web performance guru . Steve was accompanied by (Javascript wizard) Douglas Crockford for a talk called “Your Script Just Killed My Site” about the prevalence of front-end SPOF (that’s “single point of failure”) along with key tips as to how to make your front-end code more resilient.

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